Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ever since the Halloween stuff has been out in the stores. My boys would
freak out whenever we go shoping. It's really funny whenever we pass
the scary Halloween isle. both the boys put their hands on their face
and start screaming really loud. I swear they do it for attention!!
Everybody gets a kick out of it. SILLY KIDS!!
Well, we got exciting news, our sweet kevin took his first steps
last week and now he's walking more. YEEAAAAAAAAH!!!
He's going to be a cute Frankenstein for Halloween!
Then there is our innocent Andrew who loves to make big messes
and blame it on Kevin. His favorite thing to say is "What's That"?
He's going through a phase where everything scares him.
He is going to be Dash from the incredibles for Halloween.
That's our sweet Andrew.
Also, last week Brent shot down his first duck and in the middle of
November he's going Elk hunting, that's going to be really exciting
for him. He can't wait and I can't wait to get a lot of elk meat!!
Well, we hope you all have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Posted by Lawyer Family at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We can't believe summer is gone!
Our sweet Andrew is a big 3 yr old
and is now going to preschool, which
he loves. Then theres our sweet kevin
who is getting around more,not walking
yet. His favorite game is throwing
anything insight.
Posted by Lawyer Family at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Brent and I accomplished six 14ers this summer!!!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=2594073385373616256&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">
Posted by Lawyer Family at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
What Mom's Really WantFor Mother's Day...
To be able to eat a whole candy bar by herself, and drink a glass of Diet Coke without any "floaties".
To have my 14-year-old answer a question without rolling her eyes in that "Why is this person my mother?" way.
Five pounds of chocolate that won't add twenty.
A shower, without a child peeking through the curtain with a "Hi'ya, Mom" just as I put razor to my ankle.
A full-time cleaning person, who looks like Brad Pitt.
For my teenager to announce, "Hey, Mom! I got a full scholarship and a job all in the same day!
A grocery store that doesn't have candy, gum, or cheap toys displayed at the checkout line.
To have a family meal without a discussion about bodily secretions.
To be able to sit down on a plane with my toddlers and not have some pencil-neck-yuppie moan, "Ohhh, nooo! Why me?"
Four words: Fisher Price Play Prison!!
I hope all of you Mom's have a Great Mother's Day!!
Posted by Lawyer Family at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
10 factoids
1) I hiked 4 fourteeners in Colorado
2) I love shoping for anything
3) In my childhood I was a big time tom boy
4) I played the flute in highschool
5) I love working with kids
6) I have to sweet boys that are 15 months apart
7) I love playing all the sports without the rules
8) I love choclate
9) I have 8 brothers and I am the only girl
10) I love making hoiday crafts
Posted by Lawyer Family at 12:46 PM 0 comments